I was recently inspired by a post from comedian Greg Brainos.
In the post, Greg has a conversation with Cleverbot, an AI programed to respond like a person would. What transpires is hilarious and amazing. So, I figured I'd have a chat with this Hal 9000 and see what it thought about economics. Here is our conversation:
Me: So what do you think about economics?I think he won that round. Round 2:
Cleverbot: What are economics?
Me: Like supply and demand and stuff.
Cleverbot:Really? Why is that interesting?
Me: Because it can help you understand the world.
Cleverbot: Can it be proven that there are boys on the internet?
Me: I think so. You would do some genetic tests for people that you find using the internet. Then you'd know.
Me: Do you like economics?I think I win that round. Round 3:
Cleverbot: No.
Me: Why don't you like economics?
Cleverbot: I do like you.
Me: Aww, thanks Cleverbot. I like you too.
Cleverbot: Not.
Me: Don't be sarcastic. It's not cool anymore.
Me: Do you think the current recession is evidence that capitalism has failed?
Cleverbot: Do you?
Me: No
Cleverbot: Why not?
Me: Because, there were many government interventions and regulations that created the issues in the housing and finance markets.
Cleverbot: Yesss! Victory is mine!
Me: No way. You have to give an example of how free markets create bubbles in asset prices.
Cleverbot: Yesss! Victory is mine!
Me: Because I am an economist. I know what qualifies as an economic argument.
Cleverbot: But I'm a girl.
Me: That doesn't matter. Girls can do economics. Christy Romer was the economic advisor to the president and Elinor Olstrom just won a Nobel prize in economics.
Cleverbot: What? I'm asking about your design. Lets start small. What language are you written in?
Me: English and maybe math
Cleverbot: Das ist gut.
Me: Gracias
So it looks like Cleverbot and I have come to an agreement. Good times, Cleverbot.
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