Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just crazy enough to work...

"When depression economics prevails, the usual rules of economic policy no longer apply: virtue becomes vice, caution is risky and prudence is folly."
Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winning Economist in a New York Times Op-Ed Piece

"What you see in FDR that I hope my team can emulate is not always getting it right, but projecting a sense of confidence, and a willingness to try things. And experiment in order to get people working again."
Barack Obama, President Elect in a interview on 60 Minutes


  1. Are you being sarcastic here? This all doesn't sound so hot to me...

  2. Ha ha. Indeed. I find both of these quotes eerie. There was another quote from a Senator that said something along the lines that we shouldn't ask where the bailout money was coming from.
