Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Schools in the News

I don't like public schools. In spite of mixed evidence, I get the feeling that they aren't as effective as we hope. So when I read this article on Obama's speech to schoolkids, I was looking for how the government was going to screw things up more in an effort to fix it.

What I found, however, was this quote:
"The president's speeches tend to be [about] what's wrong with the country and
what can we do to fix it," said Bill Hogsett, a parent from Dallas, Texas. "I
believe this is the greatest country on Earth, and I try to teach that to my
children. ... I don't want them hearing that there's a fundamental flaw with the
country and the kids need to go forward to fix it.


This disturbing idea is apparently called American Exceptionalism and I think it is discussed best in this Autotune the News clip:

Exceptional Fast Food and Exceptional Dance Moves. God Bless America.