- In 1954, a minority of Americans had health insurance.
- An insured family will pay on average $654 per year of their own money on health insurance and an uninsured family will pay $583 of their own money.
- An insured family will pay on average $3,809 per year of someone else's money on health insurance and an uninsured family will pay $1103 of their someone else's money money.
- If you confiscated all the profits from health-insurance companies and the 10 biggest drug companies, it would pay for about 11 days worth of care for all Americans.
- If employers paid people directly instead buying insurance on behalf of their employees, then the average person would recieve $1.7 million dollars more in wages over the course of their life.
- From 2000 to 2005, health care costs have increased by 33% in Canada, 37% in France, and 47% in the U.K.. Very comparable to the 40% increase in the U.S.
His solution was to deregulate the most of the system, mandate that all Americans have catastrophic health insurance, get rid of the employer-based insurance system, create Health Insurance Savings accounts, and let most health care be paid for directly by the consumer rather than through insurance.